Collegium of advocates KGBP is a team of lawyers and consultants specializing in resolving complex commercial and corporate disputes, as well as protecting business interests in all areas.

We provide a full range of services in the field of criminal defense, sanctions law and foreign economic activity, tax planning, dispute resolution in Russian and foreign courts, as well as commercial arbitration.
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We find the key to unique solutions
КА KGBP — команда адвокатов, юристов, консультантов, специализирующаяся на разрешении сложных коммерческих и корпоративных споров, а также защите интересов бизнеса во всех сферах.
Founded in 2011, by now the collegium has earned respect and an impeccable reputation in the field of legal consulting.

For more than ten years we have been providing legal services, specializing in business protection in all areas, tax consulting, international law and foreign economic activity, corporate and commercial disputes, information security and international arbitration.

Our offices are located in Russia, China and the UAE.
Our clients are state-owned corporations, oil and gas companies, industrial enterprises, banks, airlines, major digital service providers, as well as international mining companies.
Unique competencies
Experience in narrow industry practices to solve the most difficult tasks
Individual approach
Developing long-term, confidential and fruitful customer relationships
Более 10 лет опыта
в сфере уголовно-правовой защиты бизнеса и частных лиц.
Advanced expertise
Partnership with leading forensic institutions
Наши ключевые специализации - налоговое консультирование, международное право и ВЭД, корпоративные и коммерческие споры, информационная безопасность и международный арбитраж.
Broad geography
Regional and international offices create additional convenience for customers
We advise both international clients from various sectors of the economy, as well as assist domestic clients in Russia and beyond.
We also provide legal assistance to individuals in all areas of private law
Foreign trade support and sanctions law
Protection of interests in the view of the requirements of currency, customs and tax legislation. Resolution of international commercial disputes
Criminal Business Protection
Tax consulting
Tax optimization, cross-border tax planning and international taxation
Business Information Security
The entire range of services for protection of critical information infrastructure entities, as well as operators and processors of personal data.
Defense of company managers and their employees during the all stages of criminal proceedings
Налоговая оптимизация, трансгранич-ное налоговое планирование
и международное налогооблажение
Защита интересов с учетом требова-
ний валютного, таможенного
и налого-
вого законодательства, разрешение международных коммерческих споров
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